Amateur Radio Assoc. to Hold Annual Field Day Competition
The Aroostook Amateur Radio Association invites you to the Northern Maine Fair Grounds forestry building on June 23rd at 2:00 pm through the 24th at 2:00 pm for their 2018 Field Day Competition.
The mission of the Aroostook Amateur Radio Association is to:
- provide emergency communications services to our communities in the County;
- support the Aroostook Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and the Radio Amateur Emergency Services (RACES), a protocol created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for emergency services. RACES volunteer operators are:
* Licensed Radio Amateurs
* Certified by the Civil Defense agency
* Able to communicate on Amateur Radio frequencies during drills, exercises and real time emergencies
* Activated by local, county and state jurisdictions. RACES are the ONLY Amateur operators authorized to transmit during emergencies for which the President of the United States has invoked the War Powers Act.
- assist other civic organizations
- promote the technical craft of amateur radio through training and testing, as is required by the FCC
- assist and mentor new amateur operators and members
- and enhance fellowship among radio amateurs.
FCC Amateur Radio licensing testing will be done for a fee of $15 for those seeking their credentials Saturday, June 23rd at 3:00 PM. Walk-ins will be accepted. Examinees must have 2 forms of positive identification and their Social Security number. Licensed amateurs trying to upgrade must have in their possession the original license and a clear photocopy of it
They will also be providing the opportunity for interested community members to observe and participate, with mic in hand, speaking with other operators around the US and New Brunswick Canada by radio.
Both Boy and Girl Scouts interested in advancing their communications skills for related badges are invited to come meet the team members, watch, listen and to sit at the mic and work some stations on the air.
This information was submitted to us as part of a press release. If you would like to share your community news or event with our audience, please email newspi@townsquaremedia.com.
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