Who’s Ready To Eat? Grammys Country Inn Reopening In Linneus?
The rumors have been confirmed
A popular restaurant in Aroostook County known for their homestyle cooking and enormous serving portions, will be reopening for the first time in two years, under new ownership. The new owners of Grammys Country Inn announced the planned reopening of the Linneus restaurant and introduced themselves in a Facebook post.
How you can help
The new owners appear to be hitting the ground running as they are actively searching for staff at Grammys. If you are interested in working at Grammys Country Inn apply through their Facebook page. Grammys is currently hiring for:
Lead Line Cook/Kitchen Manager
Line Cooks
Prep Cooks
Fry Cooks
Expeditors/Food Runners
Servers with lead experience and those without lead experience
Servers with bartending experience
Hosts with experience and without experience as lead
Counter Staff
An easy access restaurant
The reopening of Grammys is great news to many people across the region of Aroostook County, New Brunswick, and beyond. This restaurant had built a reputation as a destination from all reaches of the region whether they drove by car or by ATV to find the heaping portions of home-made fries and pies. Grammys was the place to go to stuff yourself and walk away with enough leftovers for the next two days!
Good luck, Grammys!
We wish the new owners the very best of luck as they rekindle an Aroostook County favorite and staple. Stay up to date on Grammys future hours of operation and other news on their Facebook page. The restaurant is located at 1687 Bangor Rd. Linneus.
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