I scream, you scream, this guy really screams for ice cream.

YouTuber and competitive eater Matt Stonie, fresh off finishing his mammoth burrito, finally had room for dessert, so he wolfed down an ice cream sundae -- but not just any ice ol' cream sundae. He ate one with 30 scoops of ice cream (mint chocolate chip, chocolate and vanilla) and 17 different toppings, ranging from M&Ms and bananas to hot fudge and gummy bears. And whipped cream. Gotta have whipped cream in a sundae, right?

He put his 11,000-calorie anti-Biggest Loser concoction in a bowl that's more suited for punch at a high school dance and then managed to pack it all away in about 15 minutes. We've heard of Dairy Queen, but now we have the dairy king.

It's an impressive, stomach-churning feat and it makes us pine for the day when Stonie goes out for a nice meal with this guy.

The Good Humor had best keep an eye for Stonie. If he stops the truck, he's liable to pay off the driver's entire car payment.

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