Okay so if you know anything about rock and roll for the past 25 years or so the name 'Mr. Big' is nothing new to you. This 'hidden gems' space is not only a place to point out bands that you may have never heard of, but also to spotlight a band that you may be asking 'where are they now?'
I like to use this little space on the interweb to introduce you to artists you may have missed along the way or artists that I think you should know about. I believe it's my duty as a music connoisseur. Today I will tell you about one of my favorite singer/songwriter/artists of all time, John Hiatt
For today's installation of 'Hidden Gems' I'd like to introduce you to a man that, quite possibly, is responsible for all of country radio these days. Yes, the go-to producer for most of today's Nashville artists is a man named Dan Huff. He's helped catapult the careers of Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban and the list goes on. Why am I telling you this?
So I was a freshman in high school in 1989 and one couldn’t help get caught up in the hair band scene. It was right around that time that hair bands were a dime a dozen and all started to sound the same to me. Enter today’s hidden gem, Sweden’s Electric Boys.
Because we are a classic rock station, my ‘Hidden Gems’ have typically taken the form of a band or artist from the past that were great but may have only logged 13 of their 15 minutes of fame. Today I’m taking a different direction. Today I’d like to introduce you to a fringe artist that, in my humble opinion, needs a broader audience.