The United Way of Aroostook is once again partnering with The County Federal Credit Union to bring the 2019 Aroostook CA$H Coalition Free Tax Assistance Program to households that qualify in Aroostook County.

Aroostook CA$H stands for Creating Assets, Savings, and Hope and works with several partners to empower individuals and families to achieve long-term financial stability. The Coalition offers free tax preparation to qualified filers during the tax season as well as educating families and individuals about programs in the community that can increase their income, reduce their debt, and help them to build their savings.

This will be the seventh year the free tax preparation program is being offered to Aroostook County citizens. The services will be offered at three locations throughout the County beginning in early February: Fort Kent, Presque Isle, and Houlton. All volunteer tax preparers are IRS certified.

According to Sherry Locke, Executive Director for United Way of Aroostook and Coalition Lead for Aroostook CA$H, over 800 households were served by the program last year with over 44% of those being senior citizens.


Aroostook CA$H will be available in Presque Isle on Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning February 5th; in Houlton on Thursdays beginning Feb. 7th; and in Fort Kent on select Saturdays (Feb. 16th, March 2nd, 16th, 30th, April 6th). To set up an appointment or for more information about the program, call the United Way office at 207-764-5197.

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