United Way of Aroostook Online Auction
In a time when in-person events have not been feasible, United Way of Aroostook decided to create an online auction that will be crucial to the success of the United Way of Aroostook Campaign. This campaign helps to fund vital programs and services across Aroostook County. United Way of Aroostook strives to break the cycle of poverty and create stronger communities. They use these funds to focus on education, financial stability, and health because those are essential for living well.
“Our major fundraisers over the past year have had to be canceled due to COVID-19 and so we decided to go virtual this year to raise the money to support over 20 programs and agencies we partner with. These funds have allowed us to touch one out of every two people that live here in Aroostook County.” said Sarah Ennis the Executive Director at United Way of Aroostook.
The auction is full of local products and gift cards to help people shop and vacation in Aroostook County. You can find everything from restaurant and store gift cards to sporting camp stays. These items have all been generously donated by businesses from all over Aroostook County who wanted to support the work United Way of Aroostook is doing.

“Every person in our community has the power to create real change and this is one easy way to give financially to make an impact,” added Ennis. The auction will run from May 10th until 7pm on May 23rd. It is hosted by Gregg Auctions and the items can be found under the United Way of Aroostook Auction on their website at www.greggauctions.com.
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