The 13th annual Young Professionals Institute, a partnership between MMG and UMPI,is back with an eight-week schedule of fast-paced and interactive learning.

The theme of this year’s Young Professionals Institute is 20/20 Vision: Focused on Leadership. YPI organizers have expanded the program from seven to eight weeks this year, based on frequent calls for more sessions.

The leadership development training experience begins Wednesday, Feb. 26 and nominations are due by Wednesday, Jan. 29. The online nomination/application form is available at Classes will be held on Wednesdays from Feb. 26 to April 8, with a showcase finale and dinner taking place on Thursday, April 16. Most sessions will be held from 4-6 p.m. in the MMG Center for Professional Development, located in UMPI’s Campus Center.

YPI sessions focus on the skills employers look for most in prospective employees and candidates for advancement, from team work and communication to decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability. Participants will work together to tackle new assignments each week focused on these skills areas. Participants are expected to attend all sessions.

There are only 16 seats available for YPI 13. Professionals interested in taking the course must submit their names for nomination or have their business employer nominate them. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 29. Selections will be announced Friday, Jan. 31. A $250 registration fee, paid by course participants or their business sponsors, is due by Friday, Feb. 14.

For more information about the short course, which is not being offered for academic credit, please visit or contact Jones at (207) 768-9459 or

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