Emera Maine: Steps for Essential Service During COVID-19 Outbreak
Emera Maine said, with cases of COVID-19 confirmed within Emera Maine's service territory, the company remains committed to following guidance from health authorities and is taking additional steps to protect the health of employees, customers and the public while we continue to provide safe, reliable electricity service.
- The company is transitioning employees to remote work wherever possible and focusing efforts on protecting employees who must report to work locations for essential services.
- Emera Maine employees who need to report to company facilities or work in the field are being identified and a plan implemented to place restrictions on movement and ensure separation of staff.
- New preventative measures, including further restrictions on access to Emera Maine facilities and targeted cleaning efforts at those facilities, also are in place.
Employees at various Emera Maine field depots will be restricted to operating within the service territory for which they are responsible. Those employees, along with Emera Maine contractors, have been directed to minimize personal contact with customers, property owners and others while working in the field. These actions have been taken as precautions to prevent potential spread of the coronavirus and allow proper maintenance of the electrical system.
Emera Maine announced earlier this week that it is suspending all disconnections of residential and commercial service for nonpayment and has stopped applying late fees to overdue accounts. Any customer who has experienced a loss of income or has a question or a concern about their bill is encouraged to call our Customer Contact Center at 1-855-363-7211 or 207-973-2000. Customers also are reminded that they can make a payment at any time over the phone or online at emeramaine.com.
Our company is dedicated to the health and wellness of our employees and service to our customers. Going forward, we will continue to implement appropriate preventative measures as government, health and industry officials recommend.

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