The White House’s ‘We the People’ website has some funny stuff on it.  I’m not sure if you knew it or not, but as a citizen you have a right to petition the government for whatever you think is in the best interest of our country.  Heck, you probably don’t even have to be a citizen to do it. The caveat is each petition must have garnered 25,000 signatures to become official and get a response. 


There are some serious petitions, but they’re no fun at all.  Not like the one asking to ‘secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.’  Almost 1500 people have signed it. There are also the petitions to ‘Nationalize the Twinkie industry,’ and to ‘Give us back our incandescent light bulbs.’  Both have signatures in the thousands.

What would you petition the Obama Administration for?  Tell us on facebook.

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