United Way to Administer Emergency Food and Shelter Funding
A nearly $33,000 grant from the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program will be administered by the United Way of Aroostook.
The $32, 774 grant will provide additional resources to local organizations that meet the basic needs of the EFSP's program. United Way of Aroostook will provide the administrative support for EFSP’s fund distribution through a local board of community volunteers, which is responsible for making disbursement decisions among local emergency food and shelter programs that apply for funds.
The funding will provide special emergency assistance in the areas of food, shelter, rent/mortgage or utility assistance for expenses incurred beetween Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2019. These EFSP funds are over and above services already provided by area agencies.
To be eligible for funds, your organization must:
- Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or governmental organization
- Have an accounting system
- Practice nondiscrimination
- Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs in Aroostook County
- If it is a private voluntary organization, it must have a voluntary board
Applications can be requested by calling the United Way Office at 764-5197 or visiting their website to view the application. One completed hard-copy must be received in the office and one digital copy emailed to sherry@unitedwayaroostook.org by noon on Tuesday, July 16, 2019. A Volunteer Task Force will make funding distribution decisions on Wednesday morning, July 24, at Presque Isle City Hall. Anyone interested in serving on this task force should contact United Way of Aroostook.