Godinez-Cortez is a citizen of Mexico who had been deported after his arrest in 1994 on immigration charges and didn't have immigration documents allowing him to enter.
Chief Patrol Agent Daniel Hiebert said at a press conference on Mondy, that they are not out looking for it, but if an agent sees it, they will seize it.
Tayfun Remzi Reis, 61-year-old, from Istanbul, Turkey was discovered by a U.S. Border Patrol agent in an area of a border sensor activation near Blaine, Maine.
A wanted man from Rwanda was arrested along the Maine - Canadian border on Sunday by U.S. Border Patrol agents. The man allegedly committed crimes against humanity and violated the war crimes act.
The United States may be the home of the free, but Canadians may have to start paying before they can enter it.
Canadian officials are a little ticked off right now, due to proposed changes in the 2014 US Department of Homeland Security budget that suggests that the US may start charging a fee for Canadian travelers who wish to cross over in to American soil.