PTK Honor Society Hosts Induction Ceremony
Seven new members were recently inducted into Northern Maine Community College’s Alpha Phi Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for students at two-year colleges.
The inductees are: Cassandra Bolstridge, Molly Bragan, Brandilynn Bubar, Erik Lamoreau, Mariah Lane, Brad Plourde, and Brandi Polchies.
Among friends, family, and representatives of the College, the newly inducted members were welcomed by chapter officers.
“With the wisdom we'll acquire here at NMCC, the drive that brings our aspirations to a closer view, and the purity of the genuine support from family, friends and your fellow chapter members, you will have the potential and opportunity to really make a difference as a student and a citizen,” said Genesis Hart, chapter vice president.
Public relations officer for the chapter, Damaris Duarte added, “After induction, you will find an atmosphere of inspiration among the members that, with your active participation, will become a meaningful experience to you. Congratulations on your outstanding achievement.”
As part of the ceremony, Laura McPherson, coordinator of the NMCC Academic Success Center, was invited to be the guest speaker for the evening. The topic of her presentation was Grit – a subject which McPherson has found inspiring after watching a Ted Talk presentation by Angela Duckworth.
“You are here, in PTK, because you have Grit. You are here because you’ve had many late nights. You are here because you have pushed yourself to the brink, and though it may be tough, you try and try again and again,” said McPherson, “You have been successful.”
To be invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, a student must achieve a 3.5 or greater cumulative grade point average while being enrolled in one of the College’s academic programs. To maintain membership, the student’s cumulative grade point average cannot fall below a 3.25. Members gain leadership skills through campus and community projects in addition to recognition throughout the year and at graduation.
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