There are apparently things to celebrate every day of the year.  You’ve got your national holidays, state holidays, religious holidays, etc.  For those days that didn’t have anything to celebrate, we have a tendency to make something up.

So in researching for today I found out that it’s “National Forgiveness Day.”  A day set aside for the celebration of unconditional love.  In my opinion this should be observed every day.  It sounds simple enough.  We all hold things in from time to time and it’s a weight off our back when we let it go.  So forgive someone today.  Most importantly, let them know you forgive them. 


To make it more fun, if you have nothing to forgive them over, find something.  It’ll really confuse them.  Or even better, today is also “Laugh A Lot Suddenly For No Reason Day.”  So tell someone you forgive them (even if you made it up) then walk away laughing, it’ll truly make the world a better place. 

You:    “Darlene I forgive you for using my coffee cup.”

Darlene:         “But I didn’t use your coffee cup.”

You:    “Bwahhhhaahaa”


What is the silliest “made-up” holiday you know?  Tell us on facebook.

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