Some weeks are better than others

It's very rare that one of our small towns goes viral becomes conversation across the entire country, but right now Easton is known across the United States.

Easton may be small, but the town is mighty

In the last week the Easton community has surrounded their kids with love, support, and protection needed during a time of chaos. Easton is a typical small-town filled with hard working people who will do anything for anyone who calls Easton their home. For a small-town, Easton is vital to Aroostook County as the home of Huber Engineered Woods and McCains, along with a strong farming community. Unfortunately, Easton has become a known for all of the wrong reasons across the state and country. 

Lookout! Here come the Bears and their protective nature

When I first heard the audio, I knew it would not be long before the protective nature of Easton would be showing out in full force. The audio and video would spread quickly within the first hour of its existence, and soon the rest of the world would be hearing about Easton and WHOU. The profile pictures on parent's Facebook profiles and others in the community were changed to the Bear logo with a heart and a simple message, "Support our Girls”. 

Via Aroostook County Hoops Facebook
Via Aroostook County Hoops Facebook

Trying to move forward

The response from the community came down like a protective blanket over the team, shielding them from the ugliness of the real world they will soon face. A GoFundMe was set up to give the team a special girls night, to help rebuild and restore self-confidence. There are plans to pack the Barn in Easton for the Bears next home game on Thursday.

Sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name

There are many lessons that can be learned from this terrible moment in history, and none may be more impressive than the response from the community of Easton in setting the example for protecting our youth from the harsh realities of life. The world may be cruel at times, but if your world is in Easton, you're going to make it through and be given a chance to thrive.

100 Images From Aroostook County High School Sports 21-22 Season

This is a gallery of photos featuring Aroostook County high school basketball, hockey, cheerleading, and a few bands from the first part of the 2021-22 season. Special thank you to our contributors Dave Allen Graphics and Candy Nevers.

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