I have to say that I'm a bit surprised that MTV is still called MTV. Where's the music?

MTV Frederick M. Brown Getty Images
Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

I think they might show a video show for about an hour a day and then it's loaded up with mindless reality shows that, in my opinion, dumb down anyone who watches. Even the other networks that are owned by Viacom subscribe to the same format that MTV has now become. Where's the music? Where's Kurt Loder?

The Veejays were cool! Nina Blackwood, Martha Quinn, Mark Goodman, JJ Jackson, Adam Curry, Kennedy, and the list goes on. MTV News was even hip with Kurt Loder, Tabitha Soren, Allison Stewart. Let's not forget that MTV launched the career of Carson Daly. And Pauly Shore. Okay, let's forget that part. Where did that all go? Does anyone watch anymore?

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