Watch as Lady Unloads Her Garbage at Presque Isle Gas Station
Have you ever been suddenly overwhelmed with the mess around you or in your house and you just have to get rid of it all right then? Of course, you have. We all have had that sudden purge of garbage that washes away the anxiety of a mess left behind. Apparently one woman recently was so overwhelmed with her garbage that she decided to dump it in a somewhat unusual setting.
Mapleton Oil has several convenient 24-hour self-serve gas and diesel pumps throughout Aroostook County. These are very handy when you are driving through town almost anytime between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. The pumps are typically located at an easy in-and-out location to make the customer experience as quick and convenient as possible. These stations are here for you to fill up your vehicle and move on, they are not a location for you to get rid of your garbage! This particular location is in the same parking lot as Save-A-Lot in Presque Isle.
As you'll see in the video posted below, a lady felt that she can clear out her household garbage for the week into the garbage cans next to the pumps. I’m not talking about cleaning out a fast- food bag, a few empty energy drink cans, and an empty pack of heaters. She unloads full kitchen sized trash bags into the garbage cans. These cans are meant for your empty coffee cup and receipts you pretend you'll use at tax time, but you end up throwing away. Let's get to the video and dissect.
If I had to guess, I'd say this lady is not a local or she is very new to the area. There are many ways to get rid of your trash in the Star-City and not pass it on to the local businesses. I may be most surprised that she didn't even buy any gas for her car? At least buy some gas if you're going to be using up more garbage space than usual. Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know!