For 55 years, Uncle Henry's Swap or Sell It Guide has been picked up by anyone looking to sell, buy, or swap anything: an old car, furniture, chainsaws, snowblowers, or hand-made goods. Whatever you need to sell or buy, Uncle Henry's was the place to list it.

According to Wikipedia, Uncle Henry's was created in 1970 with a tagline of "Most Anything Under the Sun." It is published weekly on Thursdays and for $2.00. It's published in Maine and is also available in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Brunswick, Canada. Ads submitted to Uncle Henry's have to be 30 words or less.

You can pick up Uncle Henry's at just about any convenience store and take it home to spend the day flipping through pages to see what was for sale this week. But times have changed.

This week, Uncle Henry's announced the sad news that they have closed their doors and the last weekly publication will be on Thursday, the day of the week they always publish, November 14.

The problem that the owners of Uncle Henry's Weekly Swap or Sell it Guide ran into is publishers. They have an outside source publish the weekly swap or sell and they've gone through four publishers and have been unable to find another that can print the guide, even after an exhaustive search throughout New England. So they had little choice but to close things down. In the age of the internet, print media is becoming less and less necessary these days.

The one thing that I could not find any info on is if they will continue their listings on their website. It seems the answer is probably no, but as of this writing, it's still up and still has listings.

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