Think it’s Too Late to Get Your High School Diploma?
It's never to late to get your High School Diploma! The SAD #1 Adult & Community Education program offers courses in 5 major categories.
You can get your high school diploma from any of the following courses:
Business & Skills Training courses help prepare Maine citizens by providing the modern skills training necessary for new careers, promotions, and other career advancement, including several new certification opportunities.
College Transitions courses assist people of all ages wishing to make the transition into college-level courses.
HiSET (former GED) & High School Completion courses help people complete their high school education.
Literacy courses give people the guidance, support, and training neccessary to improve their literacy skills and the literacy skills of their family.
Personal enrichment courses include lessons in skills such as photography, painting, quilting, sewing, and also include a variety of unique and fun experiences including travel and
In any economy, Adult Education courses are great choices because they are local, affordable, and are designed to fit within your schedule.
Call them today to set up an appointment to come in and see what it will take to get yours! Their number is 764-4776, and be sure to look them up on FaceBook, SAD#1 Adult & Community Education.
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