We've all been there. Alone in our bedroom, wearing nothing but our brazilian swimsuit and shaking out stuff in front of the mirror. I'm not afraid to admit I've done that and neither is Republican Maine Senate Candidate, Eric Brakey.

The video lay dormant until a pastor who is a former employee of the Christian Civic League of Maine happened upon the video - wait - what was a former employee of the CHRISTIAN CIVIC LEAGUE searching to trip over this nugget of Brazilian weirdness?

The guy from the CCL shot a link to the video in an email to the pastors at the church that supposedly Brakey attends.

The 24-year-old former New York actor, who announced a bid for state Senate in 2014 to represent a southern Maine district, feels that if Ronald Reagan can achieve a seat in the Oval Office then perhaps the public won't mind him strutting it for a low budget commercial hawking coconut water.

Eric Brakey

If you're looking for a good time this Friday, August 9th, 2013 - why not stop by the Lewiston - Auburn Community Little Theatre and witness Brakey perform as Brother Maynard, Bearer of the Holy Hand Grenade in Spamalot.

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