‘Halloween Trail’ To Return To Glenburn In October
An alternative to gory, jumpy, or super spooky haunted houses, the Glenburn Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back its "Halloween Trail" this year.
According to the "Halloween Trail at Glenburn" Facebook Page. the Halloween Trail will open on October 20th and run through the end of the month.
"Our nature trail will be decorated with some spooky decor, and a few characters along the way for the upcoming Halloween season.
As someone who has been to the trail, since it's inception 3 years ago, I can say that it's very well suited to both young kids and those young at heart. It is exactly what it says it is: a trail, through the woods, decorated for Halloween.

There's nothing that will jump out at you, and nothing too scary. The only thing that might make you jump a little are when the motion sensors set off one of the decorations that make sounds. That can be a little unnerving.
The trail runs through the woods, but last year they did a really good job painting all the roots and rocks that could be tripping hazards a bright white.
Those are definitely good things to keep an eye out for.
There are all sorts of decorations and lights hung up along the way.
One of the other things they say has changed this year is that "there will be greeters there to guide you."
And new this year, they are offering hayrides from the parking lot to the entrance of the trail. (It is a little bit of a hike, but not too far that you'd get winded.)
They warn you to "be ready for a few spooky surprises along the way."
There are some spots along the trail that have spooky sound elements that are triggered by motion...
And while they look neat in the daylight...
They really come alive after dark!
It was probably about a ten-minute walk through the trail, that spits you out across the back of another field near the school.
I would definitely recommend bringing a flashlight or two if only to help you navigate your way to the parking lot from the field.
They've done a nice job with it.
It was spooky enough to be exciting in the dark (and there happened to be some fog the night we went, so extra spooky) but family-friendly enough so that no one got punched in the face for jumping out to scare us.
If you time it just right and wait till Saturday, October 28th, you'll be able to pair that adventure with Glenburn's Trunk Or Treat Event, which will be taking place from 4 PM - 6 PM that evening.
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