Free Flu Shots Offered at Fall Health Fair
On Saturday, October 5, Northern Light AR Gould Hospital will be holding its annual Fall Health Fair.
The Health Fair will be held at the Presque Isle Inn & Convention Center from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm., featuring a a wide offering of screenings and information.
Free adult flu shots will be offered at the Health Fair, including high dose ones for adults age 65 or older. Other free screenings and assessments will include cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI/weight, stroke risk, diabetes risk, lymphedema and more. You also can learn how to create an Advance Directive and how to track your family medical history.
There will be booths on various health topics from Northern Maine Community College senior nursing students, as well as a number of non-profit organizations taking part to share information about resources to help people in the community.
Bring any outdated medications, too, as the Presque Isle PD will be holding a drug take back as part of the Health Fair.
There will also be some free, fun activities for both young and old which include various games, a photo booth, a prize wheel, free popcorn, door prize drawings and more.
Everyone is encouraged to stop by the Health Fair anytime between 10 am and 1 pm on Saturday, October 5, in the conference center area of the Presque Isle Inn & Convention Center.