2013 is coming to a close, finally. It wasn't a terrible year, as years go, but there were definitely some trying times for a lot of people. I watched the recap of the year on the news and was shaken by the number of natural disasters and hard times that fell on this country and the world. For this post I will choose to focus on the positive.

Clock at 12

There were a lot of great rock and roll happenings in 2013. Pearl Jam released a new album. KISS was nominated and will be inducted into the 'Rock and Roll' Hall of Fame. Our radio station made a few technical changes that you may not have noticed but we're stronger and rocking harder than ever. On a personal note, I turned 40, my new nephew was born - AND, I'm going to be a father again. All good things.

Friends toasting for New Year

Looking ahead to 2014; I don't like to call them resolutions, I like to call them goals. They're simple. Be healthier, be more involved in everything I do, and be a better person. The United States Army said it best, 'Be All You Can Be.' Oh and hang out with friends more - and play more guitar- and rock my tush off- and, etc.

Care to share your goals for the new year? Leave a comment on Facebook.


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