I did it. I discovered the best, free leg workout in Maine. I didn't want to, but that's how life works sometimes. A colleague lies to you, and you stumble (literally stumble for days afterward as I am now) upon something you absolutely never wanted. Some would be infuriated. I choose to try and see the positive and appreciate that I accomplished something I otherwise never would have, despite the egregious misapprehension.

Bald Mountain Hike in Maine
David Bugenske/TSM Maine

I'm Talking About Hiking Bald Mountain in Maine

You'll love Bald Mountain. It's super close. Folks love it, and it's easy. Sometimes I hike and ascend it 3 times in one day! - My lying colleague, Jordan Verge from Q106.5

Now, that quote isn't verbatim, but close enough. It was a quick drive from the Bangor/Brewer area. That wasn't a lie. He also mentioned the beautiful views. That was absolutely a truth as you can see for yourself in the photo gallery below. The lie LIES within the difficulty level of the hike itself.

Bald Mountain Hike in Maine
David Bugenske/TSM Maine

Hiking Bald Mountain in Maine is NOT Easy

It is not. Do not let anyone fool you. Is it difficult? Not really, but it is certainly not easy. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the easiest, Bald Mountain gets a solid 5. Here's why.

Bald Mountain Hike in Maine
David Bugenske/TSM Maine

You are ascending the entire first 30 minutes on granite and rock. Your calf muscles, if you haven't used them in a while or did a leg workout the day prior (as I did which is why I chose an "easy" hike recommendation to take the dogs), will scream at you.

Bald Mountain Hike in Maine
David Bugenske/TSM Maine

When you reach the peak, you pass a few media antennas, and then the views are stunning. I have mentioned this in previous articles, but with all the hiking I have done the almost four months that I have been a resident of Maine, it is clear to me that there are no bad views anywhere in this state. The rolling hills packed with pine trees and lakes and ponds in the distance makes this MODERATE ascension well worth the effort.

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How About Dogs and Children for Maine's Bald Mountain?

Our two dogs (one is 16 years old, and the other is 4 years old) are both healthy and LOVED this hike. There was nobody on this mountain but us, so we let them off the leash a bit, too.

Bald Mountain Hike in Maine
David Bugenske/TSM Maine

The hike up is short enough to carry a child, or have children walk with you. You are hiking on granite and rocks the entirety of the climb, so do keep that in mind if there is rain or other elements that may make the trail slippery.

Bald Mountain gets a 9 out of 10 as far as hikes go, and 10 out of 10 for location and views just a short drive away. We use the AllTrails app for the best directions. Check out those views below!

Bald Mountain Hiking Trail in Maine

Bald Mountain Hiking Trail in Maine

Gallery Credit: David

Puffin and Lighthouse Cruise in Maine

Photos from the puffin and lighthouse cruise offered by Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company in Bar Harbor, Maine.

Gallery Credit: David

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