Youth Advance in Elks’ Hoop Shoot
Following the Presque Isle Elks Hoop Shoot foul shooting contest held on Sunday, January 8, six area youth will now advance to the Northern District Elks Hoop Shoot to be held on Sunday, January 15, at the James F. Doughty School in Bangor.
According to Presque Isle Elks Hoop Shoot Chairman William Sewall, “Fifty boys and girls, ages 8 through 13, all of whom had won the Hoop Shoot competition at their local school or recreation department, competed against other local winners in their respective age group and division. From the competition on Sunday, the six Lodge Hoop Shoot winners will now advance to the Northern District Hoop Shoot to be held in Bangor next Sunday, January 15. There they will compete against the winners from the Hoop Shoot contests held in the six other Elks’ Lodges in northern Maine.
The winners from the Presque Isle Hoop Shoot who will be advancing in the age 8 and 9 category are, Ainsley Caron of Washburn and Raidon Cocheran of Easton; in the age 10 and 11 category, Olivia Locke of Mapleton and Wesley Lapointe of Caribou; and in the 12 and 13 category, Faith Sjoberg of Presque Isle and Brayten Castonguay of Washburn.
Faith Sjoberg, daughter of Susan and Kevin Sjoberg, was the high scorer for the competition, making 22 of 25 foul shot attempts. In the 2016 Elks Hoop Shoot competition, then competing in the age 10 and 11 category, Faith won in the local, district, State, and New England competition in order to advance to the Elks’ national competition held in Chicago, Illinois.
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