Who remembers playing Tetris as a kid? Anytime you heard the jingle or saw a Gameboy you knew someone was trying to reach the highest level. Some students at Fort Street School were able to pull off a pretty cool project for anyone who was and is a fan of the game.  

What stood out to you from the game from way back? Is it the shapes? Which formation did you dread to see coming when you knew you didn’t have the right pieces coming? Or maybe it’s the theme song that played for hours on end at times in the 90’s? If you’re like me, perhaps you recall your own frustration at the game as you’d advance causing a curse word or two to fly out of your mouth. Which then gets you in trouble with the parents.  

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Take a look at what two classes at Fort Street Elementary School were able to pull off. They advanced through several levels of the theme song. If you watch the entire video, you will see the kids make it to the bonus level. I think this is pretty cool and I’m going to say that I would have probably done better in class if I was able to do projects like this one.

Thank you to Mrs. Pryor’s and Miss Milliard's fourth grade classes along with Mrs. Bradbury’s sixth grade class for the entertainment and nostalgia. I think I’m going to try to find an old video game to play later on tonight.  

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Did you know what a hot spot New England is for films? I was checking out a list of movies from the nhfilmfestival.com made in New England and a few surprised me.

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