Unforgettable Taylor Hawkins Moments
As we continue to process the sudden death of Foo Fighters legend Taylor Hawkins, we remember some of the musician’s most memorable moments and the reasons why he was a drummer's drummer.
Taylor Hawkins was a natural drummer from the first time he picked up a pair of sticks. “I was 10 years old and my neighbor had a drum set. I wanted to play guitar ‘cause I wanted to be up front. Then he sat me down on the drums. For some reason it was just there and he was like, ‘You’re a drummer.’ And I was like, ‘I’m a drummer! I have a purpose.’”
You may remember an episode of MTV Cribs when Taylor Hawkins showed his brand new home alongside his sidekick for the day, Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith. Hawkins showed off his parents’ old piano, which hadn’t been tuned in many years, but the best part was when he and Smith did an impromptu drum clinic from behind a single kit.
Of course, Hawkins’ drumming itself was the reason he was so beloved. As many online have stated, you have to be damn good to be Dave Grohl’s drummer. So check out our compilation of Taylor Hawkins moments below to see one of his finest drum solos along with the final beats he played live with Foo Fighters.
Rest in peace, Taylor.