Stop! Be Careful Before You take that Beautiful Picture
Now that we are fully into summer the colors and crops are starting to take over the rolling landscape of Aroostook County. This morning the yellow fields really popped out among the green fields of potatoes and trees.
The natural landscape of The County can make for a beautiful background in any family photo or for anyone who is a shutterbug at heart. But you do need to be careful for many reasons before you go snapping the perfect picture to send out at Christmastime.
First and foremost, make sure you have permission to be on the property you are taking photos on. Most fields these days are posted and if you are with a professional photographer, they likely have permission to be there. If you are going at this alone you need to respect the landowner and the property.
You can get those photos without stepping into the field itself. These aren't always a planted crop that you come across, sometimes these are weeds and if you get too far into them you will have more pictures to take after the shoot. You could catch a bad rash, fever, and other symptoms from a poisoning that you don't want to be dealing with. Sure, the pictures of the family came out great, but did you see the rash that Tommy got on his leg right after?
Keep in mind that some of the crops may have recently been sprayed for their own protection. Yes, the farmers do keep some weeds around for a variety of reasons. There are weeds that help replenish the soil and keep away pests that can deteriorate the quality of the nutrients. Would you lay down in the field as the sprayer is applying the chemicals? I'm guessing you wouldn't, so why walk straight into the field later that day? Be observant. There are some that will post if the field has been sprayed recently, but if you don't find a sign just take a look at the field. This one below has somewhat fresh tracks through the middle. Keep your distance.
We have plenty of fun and summer ahead of us. This is the best time of year for photos with everything in full bloom. Get out there, take some pictures, and stay safe.
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