
Nominees for the 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were recently announced and shocker- at least half of them are rock and roll artists.  Yay.  Not to take anything away from the nominees, who are deserving of every kind of award they have ever received, but this facility is a joke.

At least this year, no doubt due to public outcry, they got most of it right.  Among the nominees are KISS, Deep Purple, Peter Gabriel, Yes, Linda Rondstadt, Cat Stevens, Nirvana, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, The Replacements, Link Wray, Hall and Oates, The Zombies and I'll even accept the funk/R&B sound of The Meters.  Where I take issue is including Chic, N.W.A. and L.L. Cool J. 


Again, not to take anything away from those three acts, they're incredible.  But they're not rock and roll.  Who makes these decisions?

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