
Why is it a grandparents job to spoil YOUR kids?  They didn't spoil you when you were that young.  Or at least it didn't seem like it.  I think kids in general get what they want these days, which is a shame sometimes.  They should learn the value of and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with earning something.  Grandparents screw that up all the time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they're there for my kids, and some are worse than others.  Whenever my kids are at my mother's house for an extended period of time they come home bouncing off the walls.  Why?  Sugar.  Plain and simple.  My mother stocks her cupboards with junk for when the kids come over.  I know there's a joke about the best part of having grandkids is spoiling them and sending them back.  It's not funny.


Today my youngest and I were in a grocery store and we ran into my mother.  She asked if she could buy my son a doughnut.  I said no.  I turned away to pay the cashier, turned back and my mother says, 'He won't come if you don't tell him he can.'  I re-emphasized, 'I said no.'  At which point my 60-year old mother proceeded to pout like a 3 year-old.  He didn't get the doughnut.

How do you handle grandparents?  Tell me on Facebook.

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