While most drivers in Maine are used to seeing a variety of different wild-life along side, or even in the roadway, there are some animals that warrant a double-take.

I'm sure that's what a few folks did as they drove down Stillwater Avenue in Bangor this week and caught a peek of a Llama on the loose!

According to retired Bangor Police Lt. Tim Cotton, who wrote about the incident on the Bangor Police Department's Facebook Page, said the Llama (not unlike myself when I snuck out the bathroom window of the dentist's office in Orono when I was 11) escaped his pen possibly to avoid getting caught with cavities.

Llama On The Lamb 2, Bangor Police Department
Llama On The Lamb 2, Bangor Police Department

"The backstory is that Rina opened the gate to let in the veterinarian—a specialist in equine dentistry, and that's when the loutish llama lit out for parts unknown, possibly Lewiston."

A passerby spotted the animal on the lamb (Can we call it that if it's a Llama?) and phoned the Bangor PD, who then sent word out to Bangor's Animal Control Officer, Trisha Bruen.

"Having a fantastic gift of recollection, Trish knows where most of Bangor's llamas live. She quickly phoned Rina, who confirmed that the llama on the lam was likely 'her Jeffrey.'"

But before she could catch up with the critter, Jeffrey channeled a homing pigeon and found his way back to the farm.

Llama On The Lamb 1, Bangor Police Department
Llama On The Lamb 1, Bangor Police Department

"Jeff, his nickname, returned before Trish arrived, probably because of the humidity, but maybe for other reasons; we simply don't know."

It could also be that he was simply lonely. At the farm, he has friends. There are pigs, a cat, and a goat. If "Homeward Bound", "Milo and Otis" and "The Secret Life Of Pets" have taught us anything, it's that an incredible journey (even if only to avoid the dentist) is better attempted with a posse of pals.

While we hope that Jeffrey has learned his lesson, that paved roadways weren't necessarily made with Llamas in mind, if he manages to give his owners the slip again, he should definitely have a better plan, perhaps one that utilizes a bit of a disguise.

Maybe some antlers would help you blend in better on your second attempt, Jeff. Just a thought.

17 Wild Animals You Could See in Bangor

A young moose was seen munching on trees in the Bangor City Forest recently. Here are some other animals that are known to live in the Bangor city limits, particularly within the Bangor City Forest, a 600+-acre preserve in the city.

Gallery Credit: Scott Miller

13 Animals You Can Actually Own in Maine That Might Surprise You

When it comes to house pets, are you a dog, cat, or ostrich person? Yes, ostrich. You may be surprised what pets you are legally allowed to own depending on what state you live in. Here is a list of 13 pets you can surprisingly own in the state of Maine.

20 of the Scariest Maine Animals to be Watching you from the Outside

A local raccoon became quite the celebrity the other day when he peaked into a home in Cutler, Maine.

The image was more cute and comedic than anything. However, it did inspire this list of the 20 scariest animals a Mainer would not want to see peaking into their house.

Warning, this list is quite frightening.

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