Every August, a month-long annual event takes place that plays a crucial role in saving and protecting lives, maybe even yours one day. Cross for LifeFlight - a fundraising campaign for the very crucial services provided by LifeFlight of Maine. 

 This annual event, which takes place during the entire month of August, is a self-directed outdoor challenge for individuals and teams and relies on peer-to-peer fundraising and sponsors to raise critically needed funds for LifeFlight of Maine. - crossforlifeflight.org

Raise Funds for LifeFlight of Maine Through Cross for LifeFlight In-Person Events

This year, there are three in-person events (with two still remaining to register for if interested) where the only requirement is a $350 fundraising minimum through your own social media, family members, friends, coworkers, etc. The first in-person event was a huge success with a beautiful sunset paddleboard across Casco Bay.

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The next in-person event occurs on August 15th.

HIKE. Cross Penobscot County: Join us for a group hike on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 4PM at Fields Pond in Holden, ME in partnership with Maine Audubon. Some hiking experience and proper footwear is strongly recommended. Hikers will have the opportunity to learn about LifeFlight’s aviation and clinical operations from those on the front lines.

The third and final in-person event will be on August 24th.

BIKE. Cross York County: This group bike ride on Saturday, August 24, 2024, beginning at 9am, will be led by the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. Choose between a 10-mile or 20-mile guided route, depending on your comfort level and experience. New this year, for those interested, we will have a select number of e-bikes available to utilize for your ride!

To register for either, click the link here. 

Raise Funds for Maine's Cross for LifeFlight with Your Own 'Crossing'

Cross for LifeFlight via Facebook
Cross for LifeFlight via Facebook

Challenge yourself and/or get a group together to hike, cycle, swim, kayak, run, boat, sail, etc. Cross for LifeFlight's hope is that you create a memorable experience either through completing a solo or team activity in the month of August. Whatever your 'Crossing' might be, the peer-to-peer fundraising you establish through it provides the necessary funds to keep LifeFlight of Maine flying!

Register and get further information here!

Hike Around the Clearest Water in Maine

Photos from hiking Jordan Pond Path & South Bubble in Acadia National Park, Maine.

Gallery Credit: David

Bald Mountain Hiking Trail in Maine

Bald Mountain Hiking Trail in Maine

Gallery Credit: David

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