I, like many others, woke up this morning expecting to see an abundance of snow falling from the sky, but sadly, that was not what I saw at all. In fact, there was nothing at all falling from the sky, not even a trace of precipitation, when I awoke this morning.

Snow on Jolene Wallace's deck - TSM
Snow on Jolene Wallace's deck - TSM

Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a snow day. Now, I know most working adults don't technically get "snow days", but I'm one of the lucky ones. You see, I live a good 45 minutes from my office in Presque Isle, plus I have a great boss who understands. So if the weather is terrible, I just work from home... hence, my snow day. Yes, it's not technically a non-working day for me, but at least I wouldn't have to get out of my pajamas if I didn't want to.

So, you can feel my disappointment when I realized that I would indeed be making the 45-minute journey to work this morning.

Of course, I check Facebook first thing, and realize quickly that most of the schools in Southern Aroostook County and Carleton County, New Brunswick had been cancelled due to the impending snow storm. I see comments from parents and teachers alike, voicing their opinions on whether or not school should or should not have been canceled. People are wondering if it should have just had an early release day. People are complaining that their poor children will be going to school until July. This is really a topic of conversation that gets people fired up!

So, I pose a question to you, what are your thoughts on today's cancellation? Take our poll and let us know!


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