45 of the Funniest Weed Strain Names in the Maine Market Right Now
If I could go back and tell past Meghan that I would one day be looking at menus for weed in Maine she would not believe me. It’s as if I’m looking at a food menu to pick out my breakfast sandwich in the morning but it’s a list of legal weed options… Like, what?!
Whether you partake in the activities or not, perusing through these menus is nothing short of entertaining. There are no boundaries when it comes to giving a strain its title, so the names you stumble upon can be quite humorous.
For your entertainment, here is a list of the 25 funniest weed strain names in the Maine market right now.
45 of the Funniest Weed Strain Names in the Maine Market Right Now
There are no boundaries when it comes to giving a strain its title, so the names you stumble upon on dispensary menus can be quite humorous.
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