Mother's Day

Parenting 101 - 'Baby'
Parenting 101 - 'Baby'
Parenting 101 - 'Baby'
So it's now common knowledge that my brood has grown a little bit, again. My wife and I welcomed our 5th child, our second girl, to the team a little over a week ago. All are doing amazingly well but as far as my own mother is concerned you would think this was our first child.
O’brien: A Wish for All the Super Moms!
O’brien: A Wish for All the Super Moms!
O’brien: A Wish for All the Super Moms!
It’s Mother’s Day weekend and as a red-blooded American male I decided I’d be the perfect one to ponder the question, ‘What does it mean to be a mother in 2013?’  Of course I’m coming at it from the outside looking in.  Some would say being a mother doesn’t mean the same thing it did in years past because of our changing times.  I agree and disagree.
The Best Mother’s Day Gift is You!
The Best Mother’s Day Gift is You!
The Best Mother’s Day Gift is You!
Okay I’ll admit it; I talk to my mother at LEAST every other day.  No, I don’t call her.  She calls me.  Unless I need her to watch the kids, then I call her.  Am I a crappy son?  Probably, but I’m also realistic.  Those apron strings were cut long ago and it’s my Mom who won’t let go, and that’s okay with me.