Now, we’ve heard of being bored, but this guy is painfully board – and maybe even borderline insane.

In what appears to be some poorly scripted, homegrown motivational video, this man, who for the sake of this article, we’ll call Mr. Duhmass, has decided to demonstrate the powers of developing a plan of action and believing in yourself by beating himself unmercifully with a board in an attempt to break it.

What’s most interesting about this sadistic feat of savage idiocy is that the whole time Mr. Duhmass is thumping himself into a concussion and flopping around on the patio like a suicidal fish, the camera man never once advises him that maybe motivational videos are not his forte.

By the time the whole desperate scene comes to an end, Mr. Duhmass is nearly in tears, while the camera operator appears to be doing his best to hold back the laughter. What’s more is before the video ends, you can hear what appears to be Duhmass’ mother asking him if he hurt himself. Of course he did – hurt is what happens when morons beat themselves into a state of near unconsciousness with wooden objects.

Final Thought: Sometimes a plan of action calls for a trip to the emergency room – no matter how much you believe in yourself.

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