
Wind Chill Advisory
Wind Chill Advisory
Wind Chill Advisory
Expect a drastic drop in temperature for Northern Maine and Western New Brunswick Sunday and Monday. The National Weather Service Office in Caribou has issued a Wind Chill Advisory following a nasty winter storm that dropped up to 18 inches of snow on our area over the last few days.
Cold  Beer?
Cold Beer?
Cold Beer?
What would the world be like without smart people? I often shrug off technology because it's making us lazier. When it's applied to important jobs like chilling your beer in record time, I wholly embrace it.
Cold=Global Warming?
Cold=Global Warming?
Cold=Global Warming?
So the other day when we were experiencing temperatures near 30 below zero, I made a joke on my Facebook status. Something like, 'So much for global warming.' It wasn't long before someone jumped at me preaching the insignificance of this cold snap to the 'indisputable' effects of climate change. It was a joke people!
Cold Temps=Sick?
Cold Temps=Sick?
Cold Temps=Sick?
So we're getting the kids ready for school the other morning and we're trying to make sure that they have extra layers due to these extremely frigid temperatures we've been experiencing. It reminded me of something I was told once. The common cold is a virus, you can't get it from being out in the cold with few clothes on. Is that true?
If You Could Live Anywhere?
If You Could Live Anywhere?
If You Could Live Anywhere?
Don't get me wrong, I love living in Aroostook County. But it has its ups and downs just like any other place would. So, if you could not live here or in western New Brunswick for some reason, where would you want to live?