System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian is sharing new original music which he composed for the film 1915. Tankian orchestrated and sings on “Ari Im Sokhag,” which sets a sombre mood to accompany 1915’s subject of the Armenian genocide.

Tankian’s career has been a fruitful one, both with System of a Down and his various solo works. Serj has experimented with orchestra, jazz, electronica and various offshoots of hard rock in recent years, and he’s now offering perhaps his moodiest piece to-date with “Ari Im Sokhag,” which he sings on with Larisa Ryan.

"The film 1915 is about a theater director who puts on this production on April 24, 2015, the one-hundredth anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,” Tankian describes to Alternative Press. “He has this dark mystical intuition that things are going to change, that there’s going to be almost a time warp because of the event itself. It’s the first film I’ve seen that deals with the diaspora trauma of loss; how the descendants of people who died in the genocide feel about it, in the U.S., France, Argentina and other parts of the world. I’ve never seen a film like that.”

As for Serj’s next move, he’s got plenty of songwriting planned. “I’m looking at different options in scoring between video games and films. I’m also writing some new rock songs,” says Tankian. “We’ll see where they go and what happens with them.”

As of this posting, Tankian has no plans to perform with System of a Down in 2016.

Fans can purchase Serj Tankian’s 1915 film score here. The film itself is also available on DVD and Blu-Ray.

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