Maine Mourns the Tragic Loss of Game Warden K-9 Yaro
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife took to their Facebook yesterday to share some sad news. Game Warden K-9 Yaro passed away last week. K-9 Yaro will be remembered for his amazing six years of work alongside Game Warden Paul Farrington. The two were truly best buddies and patrolled the Topsfield/Danforth area together since 2015. The post says K-9 Yaro aided in locating many lost or missing people and worked on numerous evidence searches involving fish and wildlife crimes.
It all happened rather quickly. They noticed K-9 Yaro wasn't eating as much and was losing weight. Yaro was then diagnosed with an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer a few months ago. He spent his final days surrounded by Game Warden Paul Farrington and his family. This is the part that really gets me: even though K-9 Yaro was not feeling his best towards the end, he still showed a burning desire to get up every day and go to work alongside his partner.
I can't imagine how Warden Paul Farrington is feeling right now. Not only did he have to say goodbye to his favorite co worker, he also lost his best friend.
Hopefully the massive outpouring of love and support on Facebook is helping a little bit. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced the unbearable pain of losing a four legged friend so we can empathize with what he is going through. We never get enough time with them. RIP K-9 Yaro. As Facebook user Sharon Gray said:
"Run and play free of sickness and pain now on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge."
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