Even at a reduced episode order, Game of Thrones Season 7 brings with it the likelihood of even more character connections than the prior year. We know travel times are no longer a concern, but a new Season 7 production report places a surprising figure within striking distance of King’s Landing.

You’re warned of oh-so-many possible spoilers from this point on, but those vigilant eyes at Watchers on the Wall report that Season 7 production will take us to something called the “Dragonpit.” According to George R.R. Martin’s written word, the Dragonpit exists as a large ruin in King’s Landing, whose interiors were once used to house the Targaryen dragons.

Should that name set off alarm bells, there’s good reason. According to WotW, Daenerys will indeed make use of the King’s Landing Dragonpit, definitively arriving at some point in Season 7. Even more, the site speculates that Roman ruins of Santiponce, Seville will likely serve as the locale.

Many had speculated that Daenerys might encounter resistance on the high seas, or at least make port somewhere closer than King’s Landing before the ultimate siege, but could Season 7 see the Mother of Dragons very quickly dethroning Cersei and making a new home in Westeros?

In the meantime, HBO has confirmed that Game of Thrones Season 7 will start production on a shortened seven episodes this coming year, with an aim to premiere in Summer 2017. A list of directors for the year has also been announced, along with early casting, while at least a portion of filming will take place in Iceland.

The same report identifies that we also might see scenes set in Riverrun, but could Season 7 really seat Daenerys on the Iron Throne so quickly? Might the Dragonpit serve as a locale for something else?

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