Fort Fairfield Community Bandstand Collapses
Sometime around 2:00 a.m. Thursday morning, the Fort Fairfield Community Bandstand collapsed under the weight of heavy snow.
The bandstand, a tremendous source of community pride since it was built in 2005, serves as a stark reminder for residents to remove snow and ice build-up on roofs throughout the region.
According to Fort Fairfield Town Manager, Jim Risner, Public Works Crews noticed the bandstand had been reduced to rubble when they started plowing the most recent snow from Main Street early Thursday morning,
Residents helped build the bandstand in most every way conceivable. In addition to financial donations, they donated tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of labor and materials to help construct the bandstand, which was completed in the fall of 2005. The bandstand has hosted dozens of events over the years, including performances during the Maine Potato Blossom Festival, weddings, class and family reunions and church services. The bandstand also housed the community Christmas Tree and was a beautiful sight to behold when decked out in lights, garland and a dusting of fresh snow.
“It certainly was a disappointing surprise this morning, but no one was hurt and no one has been left homeless,” added Risner. “We hope this unfortunate event will spur folks to take steps to avoid a similar situation. It is only early January, we are certain to get more snow over the next couple of months, so taking action now could prevent a tragedy in the near future.”
This information was submitted to us as part of a press release. If you would like to share your community news or event with our audience, please email newspi@townsquaremedia.com.
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