In the midst of this 'Polar Vortex' some of us need a little extra good cheer. There's a definite lack of Vitamin D in my house. Sometimes when I need a pick-me-up I start thinking about the stuff I plan to do during the summer. Maybe while I'm at work I'll put on some pop music from the 80s to bring me back to the hot, sunny days of my youth, even if it's only temporary. What do you do?

Maybe there's a song that you hear on the radio that makes you remember that one summer that you fell in love. It could be a smell, or a movie, or a place. I know that when I think of our family camp on the lake I get great memories of my summers traveling with my wife and kids.

Kid fishing with a dog

Listen, I'm only trying to help. We're tough up here in northern Maine and western New Brunswick, but even we can only take so much. We all want warmer temperatures and lots of sunshine, but there must be one little nugget that gets you to your happy place. Share it with us on Facebook.


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