Who doesn't love a good 5K race? They're an "easy" 3.2 miles that you can walk/jog/be a psycho and sprint while getting to better know a community and spend time with friends and family while crossing a finish line. And usually, these 5K runs are attached to a charity or good cause.

Muddy Princess USA

The Muddy Princess 5K Obstacle Run for Women is Coming to Maine

Yes, it is! This 5K features 18 plus obstacles and lots, and lots of mud. It was designed for women of all shapes and sizes ages 7 and up in mind, so grab your girls, your squad, your coworkers and plan to crush this race that encourages empowering and bringing women together while supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Where and When is This 5K in Maine and How Much?

Minot, Maine
Google Maps
The race take place at 695 Woodman Hill Rd #5014 in Minot, Maine on Sunday, June 23rd. There are different price packages (as seen below or click here), and opportunities to race for free. There are discounts for 5+ groups and larger discounts for 10+ groups. Prices will increase on June 16th.
Muddy Princess 5K

I Know You Have More Questions About This Muddy 5K in Maine

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At least I figure you do, because I did, too. Here were my top two questions that I had that were answered on the organization's website. Why this race?

We love women! And this run is all about celebrating women in all their glorious forms. We want to bring you an experience where you feel like a Princess even while crawling through the mud. This is girl power, best friend bonding, “wow, I never thought I’d be able to do that” memory-making day out for women. - muddyprincess.com

What are these "obstacles?"

To bring you the most fun day out in the mud, we have designed a variety of obstacles to keep you challenged and entertained. You can expect to:


  • Wade, crawl or paddle through water and mud
  • Climb ropes, nets, and tire towers
  • Traverse across balance obstacles
  • Slide, glide, shimmy, and roll down poles, small hills, and embankments
  • Move over, though, or under poles, climbing frames, and barrels - muddyprincess.com

There is no time limit, and you are encouraged to dress up like a princess or wear matching outfits with your group and most importantly, have fun! This sounds like a blast, and your husband, boyfriend, kids, friends and relatives can come out and support you, too ... or maybe just make this a girl's day. Have a great race!

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Top rated novels set in Maine that aren't Stephen King.

Gallery Credit: David

The Top 9 Most Walkable Cities in Maine

Not all cities are created equal in our Pine Tree State. We may love them all, but some are simply easier to get around in on foot than others. Here are the top 9 according to Redfin.

Gallery Credit: Jordan Verge

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