We Tested Our New Drone This Weekend in South Portland… And Only Crashed it Twice!
There are some really amazing drone videos out there, and this isn't one of them.
We tested our drone for the first time this weekend in South Portland, and the results were... interesting.
After seeing so many beautiful HD videos shot by drones like the Phantom by DJI, I was excited to actually get one as a gift for my birthday. This little drone is called "Dronium III" by Protocol, and it weighs less than a pound. I knew that the videos would probably look a little different, but I wasn't prepared for how fun (or hard!) this thing was to fly.
We charged it up and took her for a test flight on Saturday night, and after crashing twice, we could see Portland's skyline, Casco Bay, Fort Gorges, the Casco Bay Bridge, SMCC, and a little bit of the Ferry Village neighborhood in South Portland.
Here's an example of a video shot by a $5,000+ drone... sorta puts ours to shame!
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