Note: In order for an album to be considered for nomination in the 6th Annual Loudwire Music Awards, it had to be released between Oct. 31, 2015, and Oct. 21, 2016. No album which came out after Oct. 21 is eligible for the Best Rock Album in the 6th Annual Loudwire Music Awards, hence the reason you may not see a few major releases among the nominees. Those albums will be considered for nomination in next year's awards.

Rock on! There was a lot of reason to be thrilled with the state of rock music over the past year, with a great mix of established bands adding to their impressive catalogues, up-and-coming bands showing they were here to stay and some under the radar acts making stellar musical statements. With the dates on the calendar being x'd off and the end of the calendar year in sight, it's time to reflect on all of the great releases that have arrived and vote for the Best Rock Album in the 6th Annual Loudwire Music Awards.

It took some doing to narrow it down to 20 great albums that have been nominated for the Best Rock Album, but we've got some top notch choices from a variety rock forms. You've got some huge acts like Blink-182 (California), Green Day (Revolution Radio), Red Hot Chili Peppers (The Getaway) and Rob Zombie (Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser) who gave us great discs in 2016. The return of punk icon Iggy Pop backed by a Josh Homme-led band on Post Pop Depression and Sum 41's return after Deryck Whibley's health issues on 13 Voices were not only great stories, but generated vital music.

Veteran bands like A Day to Remember (Bad Vibrations), Alter Bridge (The Last Hero), Baroness (Purple), Chevelle (The North Corridor), Deftones (Gore), NOFX (First Ditch Effort), Pierce the Veil (Misadventures), Skillet (Unleashed) and Zakk Wylde (Book of Shadows II) kept rock alive and well. And bands like The Pretty Reckless (Who You Selling For), Beartooth (AggressiveThe Virginmarys (Divides), The Temperance Movement (White Bear) and Purson (Desire's Magic Theatre) all made us stand up and take notice.

You can vote once per hour through the deadline of Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 10AM ET for your favorite choice, so make sure to do all you can to help your favorite disc to win the Best Rock Album in the 6th Annual Loudwire Music Awards.

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