Two Men Charged in Break and Enter at Post Office in Harcourt
Two men have been charged in connection with a break, enter and theft at Canada Post in Harcourt, New Brunswick late Sunday night.
Southeast District RCMP responded to the break-in on Route 126 at around 11:30 p.m. Sunday, according to Sgt. Pat Tardif. Police had information that a red car had left the area heading towards Moncton.
At around midnight, police found a red car that had crashed and was abandoned at the corner of Rodgers Road and Isaiah Road, northwest of Moncton. Three men were arrested without incident about 2 hours later a short distance away on the Rodgers Road.
Christopher Joseph Arsenault, 44, from Moncton and Steven Cail, 38, from Riverview appeared in Moncton Provincial Court on Monday. Both men faced several charges related to the incident including breaking and entering into a business, theft from mail under $5000, and possession of property obtained by crime.
Arsenault and Cail were remanded in custody and are scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday, February 1 at 9:30 a.m. for bail hearings.
A 38-year-old Moncton man who was also arrested in connection with the incident was released on a promise to appear in court on May 9.
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