
Man rides Moose
Man rides Moose
Man rides Moose
A Youtube video showed up over the weekend showing a man riding in a motor boat and eventually trying to ride a moose in shallow water. This is no joke. There is video proof. See for yourself.
World's Tallest
World's Tallest
World's Tallest
It's summer. I have not had my vacation yet, but I've got friends all over Facebook that keep posting pictures of themselves on the beach or at a waterpark. Okay, maybe I'm jealous. I thought I'd post a point of view video of a REAL waterslide.
'Water Cooler' Bass
'Water Cooler' Bass
'Water Cooler' Bass
Have you ever been standing around the water cooler at work thinking you could find another use for the plastic container holding all that water? Yeah, neither have I. But apparently this guy has. The results are pretty darn cool too.