
Olympics Cyber-Scams
Olympics Cyber-Scams
Olympics Cyber-Scams
With the Summer Olympics upon us in Rio de Janeiro August 5th through 21st, the Maine Emergency Management Agency and U.S. Department of Homeland Security are warning of lottery and sweepstakes cyber-scams associated with the Games.
Olympic Athletes Embark
Olympic Athletes Embark
Olympic Athletes Embark
The largest delegation of Maine athletes ever sent out of state for the Special Olympics Games will depart on Saturday, June 14th from Portland. 60 athletes, youth leaders, Unified partners, and coaches, including basketball coach Brian Hamel, will be heading to the national games in New Jersey this weekend...
New Olympic Events!
New Olympic Events!
New Olympic Events!
With the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia upon us I thought it might be interesting to investigate what the latest crop of additions to the list of Olympic sporting events looked like. Apparently there are twelve new events to take in this year. None of them come close to my idea of an Olympic sport.