Maine in the 1950s: The Most Populous Towns That Dominated the StateMaine in the 1950s: The Most Populous Towns That Dominated the StateMaine looked a lot different 70+ years ago. Here's a look at Maine's 20 most populous towns in 1950 and how they have grown...or shrunk.Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
This Popular City (Not Portland) Is the Fastest Growing in MaineThis Popular City (Not Portland) Is the Fastest Growing in MaineAccording to U.S. Census data, this city in the Pine Tree State is the fastest-growing in terms of population, and no, it’s not Portland.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
The 20 Least-Populated Maine Towns in 1920, Based on the CensusThe 20 Least-Populated Maine Towns in 1920, Based on the CensusSome of these Maine communities aren't even designated as towns anymore. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
2 Maine Towns Named 2024’s Best in America with Fewer Than 10,000 Residents2 Maine Towns Named 2024’s Best in America with Fewer Than 10,000 ResidentsSome cities in our country have several million residents, but these towns in Maine don’t quite reach those numbers.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Here’s a Fascinating Look at Maine’s 20 Least Populated Towns in 1950Here’s a Fascinating Look at Maine’s 20 Least Populated Towns in 1950The list includes two that aren't even officially towns anymore. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Here are the Oldest Counties in the Oldest State, Good Ole MaineHere are the Oldest Counties in the Oldest State, Good Ole MaineMaine is old, the oldest in fact. But, where do the senior populations shine? Here is the age ranked by county. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Here is a Look at Maine’s 20 Most Populated TownsHere is a Look at Maine’s 20 Most Populated TownsHere is a fun look at Maine's 20 most populated towns, where they're located, and how they are trending. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Maine’s 20 Least Populated Towns Stretch From the Borders to the CoastMaine’s 20 Least Populated Towns Stretch From the Borders to the CoastTake a closer look at the 20 least populated towns in Maine. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Maine Population Grew Slowly Over the Last DecadeMaine Population Grew Slowly Over the Last DecadeThe state population grew more slowly during the 2010s than the 2000s.Associated PressAssociated Press