
Guitar Flip Fails
Guitar Flip Fails
Guitar Flip Fails
As a rock guitar player, there are certain things you need to know how to do. Stay in tune, stay in rhythm, play the same song as the rest of the band, and look cool. The legendary 'guitar flip' is not one of those essentials, but damn is it cool. Well, it is when you get it right.
Fastest Guitarist?
Fastest Guitarist?
Fastest Guitarist?
If you invest a lot of time into your passion, you're bound to get better at it. I've always been a soul/blues fan because I like the push and pull of it all. There's a lot of flow and feeling there. I've never been much for shredding on guitar but you've got to admit, this is pretty impressive.
Watch These Amazing Young Guitarists! [VIDEO]
Watch These Amazing Young Guitarists! [VIDEO]
Watch These Amazing Young Guitarists! [VIDEO]
So yeah – I used to call myself a guitar player, until I saw these kids.  Granted I didn’t really take up the guitar until I was in high school and they say your brain becomes less of a sponge as you get older, but this is sick.  Check out the two videos, one of the girls is 8 and the other 14.