4th of July

Happy 4th of July
Are you planning to celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks? Fireworks are legal to purchase here in Maine, but you may want to familiarize yourself with local ordinances to make sure fireworks are legal in your town.
Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness
There is no place like Houlton during the days leading up to the 4th of July! People come home from all over the country, in fact! You'll have an opportunity to see friends and family that you haven't seen in years!
Traffic Enforcement
Traffic Enforcement
Traffic Enforcement
If you're planning on doing any traveling during the upcoming July 4th holiday weekend, you'll want to pay attention and obey all the laws of the road. Maine State Police have several traffic enforcement efforts going on now through the July 4th holiday weekend.